It is gift hunting season....
The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive dark cloud hanging over the holidays this year and we are likely feeling the lack of something.
But buying something doesn't necessarily mean that it will benefit us. Instead, it will give us a temporary high, a temporary fulfilment. The spirit of Black Friday isn’t really about buying meaningful, quality items, it’s about getting tons of things just because they’re at a reduced price. Sales can make us feel like we’re missing a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy stuff we might not have even been inclined to buy if it wasn’t Black Friday.
It is as though we were born to buy...and die if we do not get what we want for whatever price they offer. Advertisements are in our faces 24/7. On billboards, on TV, while we browse, while we read, always luring us in to check out the new sale, the all time low sale, the sales of the sales...
And yes, most of us do run to these sales and we do buy unnecessarily.
We thought so!
So in our response to BLACK FRIDAY, we took an example from "Shoplikeyougiveadamn"
Instead of buying more for less, we ask you to spend
This is your early Christmas gift to our tailors in Ghana!
The best way to boycot Black Friday is not to buy anything new at all. But if you were to buy regardless. Buying something from us, is doing just that, nothing new. but recycled, as we are grateful to use what we already have!
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